PowerPoint PresentationAssignment Description:Through the course of the semester you have learned about many traditional leadership models and theories. For your final assignment you are to work with a partner to develop a multi-media presentation to the class based on one of the easily accessible books found in the suggested readings section of the syllabus. With preapproval of the professor, you may report on a leadership book of your choice.
You and your partner will provide a synopsis of the book in your 20 minute presentation to your class. Additionally, each student will submit an 8 – 10 page book review which should be independent of the views and opinions of your partner. How is this book similar and/or dissimilar to the material from your required readings? What did you learn as a result of reading this book? Has anything you learned from your chosen leadership book relate to the simulation which you experienced with the 9100S course. Make documented arguments for areas in which you agree or disagree with the author. Who should read this book? Why? |
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Assignment Reflection
Assignment two was a practical assignment that I thought was fun to do with a classmate. We had to read a book on leadership, write a book
report, and present a synopsis of the reading that included who and why someone should read the selected book. I learned that by including engaging and good questions on a book can be educational and at times more relatable than reading from only a textbook. Being able to work with a partner allowed me to share thoughts and discuss different points of views on the reading. I have learned that reading current leadership books can give a learner insight on new leadership approaches and is something that I can do to continue my professional development.
report, and present a synopsis of the reading that included who and why someone should read the selected book. I learned that by including engaging and good questions on a book can be educational and at times more relatable than reading from only a textbook. Being able to work with a partner allowed me to share thoughts and discuss different points of views on the reading. I have learned that reading current leadership books can give a learner insight on new leadership approaches and is something that I can do to continue my professional development.