Print-Based Instructional MaterialThe assignment is produce a self-contained module or unit of instruction based on the topic provided in Assignment 1. It is expected that you will develop the instructional materials you have been describing throughout the semester. Base the design of these materials on the blueprint developed in Assignment 4. As you should be fully aware by now, that the required format for
this assignment is a self-contained set of self-instructional print-based instructional materials. Please consider the following rubric for further detail |
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Assignment Reflection
To create the print-based instructional materials I used the design plan and previous assignments as my guide in creating the assignment.
With my previous experience in printing instructional guides for courses held in my workplace, I was able to ensure that my print-based instructional materials were professional looking and included all sections necessary for completion of the module. I include various learning components to the ensure learner attains the stated goal. In this assignment I learned that the level of detail and clarity included in an instructional material determines how well a learner will be able to follow unaided instructions and achieve the learning outcome desired.
With my previous experience in printing instructional guides for courses held in my workplace, I was able to ensure that my print-based instructional materials were professional looking and included all sections necessary for completion of the module. I include various learning components to the ensure learner attains the stated goal. In this assignment I learned that the level of detail and clarity included in an instructional material determines how well a learner will be able to follow unaided instructions and achieve the learning outcome desired.