Assignment 2: Synthesis PaperAssignment Description: Simulations are generally a method to provide a problem based experience that engage participants in addressing real world problems and situations, with the expectation that the leadership skills used can be transferred to the participants work place. The Leadership Simulation expects participants to use high level applied critical thinking skills in a collaborative environment. You are to prepare a 7-8 page paper addressing the concepts discussed in EDD 9100 as they applied to you as you participated in the leadership simulation, using a minimum of 7 cited references to support your response.
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Assignment Reflection
Writing the synthesis paper made me analyze and really take a look at what I had learned in my experience with the simulation. It made me think about how the simulation mirrored real life experiences in many aspects. I was able identify commonalities such as communication, collaboration efforts, conflict and resolution strategies that exist and take place in the workplace. This class experience has shown me the importance of being a clear communicator and creating a structure when working in teams, especially when physically separated. I have also learned that setting expectations from all team members should be done in the beginning in order to create a good foundation and or culture for a group.